Saturday, March 26, 2016

Building a powerful Army [Part 1] - Which buildings are important! Making research!

When you start the game, you have many choices and these choices will determine how powerful you can become.

First of all, you need to level up your castle and this will allow you to build more buildings.

To become powerful, you need an army. To gather an army, you have to build buildings that will train them. [ There will be a separate post for the specialized buildings used in training]

  1. Drill ground - determines the number (quantity) of troops you can deploy in gathering RSS or attacking an enemy castle. Obviously, the more troops you can deploy, the higher chances of success. 
  2. Marching tents - has two purposes (1.) It increases the # of troops you can train and (2.) speed up the training.
  3. First aid tents - are your hospitals where you can heal wounded troops. In this game, if your troops are gathering RSS, you cannot heal them if an enemy attacked. If your troops are inside your castle during an attack, they will not die but will only get wounded if your first aid tents capacity is equal or more than the # of your troops. In other words, if you have 50,000 troops, your first aid tents must also accommodate 50,000 troops or more.
  4. Watchtower - scans enemies who maybe attacking your castle. The higher level the watchtower is, the more information it contains, such as the level of troops your enemy has deployed to attack you and other details.

Tips: These buildings are important for you to become powerful, but remember you also need to research and improve your military might. Your castle development will also improve if you do research.

It takes time to do research, but if you try to do them it will make the difference between being the hunted (target) to becoming the hunter. 

There are 4 fields of research and each of them will develop areas in your castle. Since this is a war game, you need to research on your military, but city development is also important since you need to fastrack your castle features.

I'll focus on military for now, but will have another separate article to deal with the research features of the other 3 specialties.

Military research involves:
  1. Recruitment - increases soldiers' training speed
  2. Mapping - increases marching speed
  3. Legion - (very important) increases the number of dispatching troops. A legion is a band of troops you can deploy to attack. Your drill grounds determine how many troops you can put up in a legion, while the legion (research) determines how many dispatches you can have. 
  4. Leadership - Increases the max number of soldiers in a single troop. This research complements the drill grounds;
Further down the process, are Legion 2 (which means an additional band can be further deployed), more mapping and leadership.

At level 16, your drill grounds can deploy more than 40,000 troops in a legion. If you have 120,000 troops, it means you can attack an enemy with 3 legions (40,000 x 3). 


  1. Replies
    1. By exploring the relics, trial battles and killing monsters. You can do the trial battles without using a dispatch so you should use it as often as possible. Killing monsters and exploring relics will use a dispatch each. This may get in the way of gathering resources but if you desire to reach a certain level, this is the way to go.

  2. Monster killing and trail battles

  3. Monster killing and trail battles

  4. what will happen if you use disguise anh bluff at the same time?

  5. Enter invite promocode for free chest.

  6. Do we have any updates here like the new armour sets that nobody can seem to figure out

  7. How we can gain vital energy

  8. Hello guys, how can I get more dispatch formations? I have 4 dispatch formation. Someone has 6.
